How to Order
 Preview & Synopsis
 Reviews and Teacher Comments
 Bread and How to Bake It
 Wheat: Classroom Activities and Info


Yeast Information & Classroom Activity  
How BCTL Meets Educational Standards 
About the Producer and the White Gloves 
Other Films by George Levenson 


If you search the web for the words "bread" and "wheat", be prepared for your screen to be filled with a rich harvest of information. Below are a few selected sites – listed alphabetically -- to get you started on your quest. If you know of other sites that are of particular interest to elementary educators, please email us at

Eating bread1. Agricultural Sites: Wheat growing is a major industry in many states, and several have wheat commissions with their own websites that offer information and educational resources for the classroom:

California Wheat Commission http://www.californiawheat.org/
Illinois Wheat Association http://www.illinoiswheat.org/
Kansas Wheat Commission http://www.kswheat.com/
Minnesota Wheat Research & Promotion Council http://www.smallgrains.org/
Montana Wheat & Barley Committee http://wbc.agr.state.mt.us/
Nebraska Wheat Quality Laboratory http://agronomy.unl.edu/wheatlab/index.htm
North Carolina Small Grain Growers Association http://www.agr.state.nc.us/markets/assoc/smallgrains/
North Dakota Wheat Commission http://www.ndwheat.com/
Oklahoma Wheat Commission http://www.state.ok.us/~wheat/
Oregon Wheat Growers League http://www.owgl.org/
Texas Wheat Producers Board & Association http://www.texaswheat.org/
Wheat Food Council http://www.wheatfoods.org/

2. Bread Art from Germany. http://www.shopart.com/schoenleben/werke3.html Bread is more than just a food, it’s an edible art form.. Be a sculptor.

3. Bread Baker’s Guild of America (www.bbga.org), High standards and lots of information about the craft and the art of Bread-baking.

4. Lifelab Science Program www.lifelab.org
A pioneer program in garden-based learning for over 20 years, affiliated with the University of California at Santa Cruz with programs and books that reach across the curriculum to teach science and nutrition.

5. San Francisco Exploratorium http://www.exploratorium.edu/cooking/bread/index.html#. Imaginative and beautifully illustrated Information and activities about bread..

6. The Toast Man. http://www.mauricebennett.co.nz/artist.htm
New Zealand Artist Maurice Bennett uses toast to make art. He skips the butter and jam. Clever, quirky and inedible.

7. Wheat weaving http://www.geocities.com/wheatwhiz/
Who said wheat was just for eating? Learn more about this ancient and elegant art and craft.


©2004-2008, George Levenson